Category: U.S. 68

Harrodsburg – PlayThink

Magic is what happens when you least expect it. It can come from a smile, the glow of a Strawberry Moon, or just about anyplace else. For me, this summer, the catalyst for magic...


Someone told me once that my dad was born on a kitchen table. I’ve always thought that was a joke since Dad, like me, shined at disassembling a decent meal. My grandmother made it...


Along the Chaplin River Ducks rested on exposed rock along the bed of the Chaplin River as my friends, the Kaelins, and I surveyed the water from a pedestrian bridge. Like us, the birds...

Old Washington

The red-brown brick façade of Washington Hall was warm to the touch when I stopped by on a recent walking tour of this historic district in Maysville. It had spent the morning facing east...


We’re going to talk about Kentucky bourbon. Yep, I know what you’re going to say. Bourbon is far from unexpected in Kentucky. It’s actually one of the Big Three draws for Kentucky tourists that...